Monday, October 18, 2004

Weekend report

Well this weekend was like most. Cleaning the house a bit, playing something, lately City of Heroes or something on the Xbox (gotten tired of Galaxies).

Friday the exercise machine was delivered and I put it into the garage. Saturday I moved some things around to make room for it. I didn't start assembling it Saturday cause I was lazy. Sunday I got off the computer around lunchtime and went to open the box. I started assembly around 2:30 or 3. Erik and Mary came over after they rode their bikes on the Katy trail some. We finally got it assembled around 5:30. It's got quite a few cool features. So now I just need to not put off working out.

I didn't Sunday night because the new Farscape movie premiered. It was pretty good and now I'm going to have to get both season 7 of Stargate SG-1 and season 1 of Farscape. Tonight isn't looking too good either. The 2nd half of the Farscape thing is on and I promised to deliver some stuff in Galaxies as well as needing to look for some good flora for the next batch. Plus I need to vacuum the carpet, it's shedding again. People are coming over for the game on Wednesday and I want to have it done before then.

I sent out an email for the Halloween party today. No responses yet but it's still two weeks. I need to get some decorations and figure out what I'm going to fix. Should be good. My costume needs some work but I got "The Ladykillers" and watched it so that helped. Now I need to get his voice patterns down and memorize some of his monologues. Not going to try for a full costume since a coat would likely get too warm. We'll just go with the pants, shirt and vest. The bow-tie may be hard. We'll see.


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